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Rogers Park Tenants Speak Out As Their Building’s New Corporate Owner Threatens Evictions

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karen addressing press
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Thursday, September 26, 2024

CHICAGO – At a press conference outside their building on Thursday morning, members of the Good News / Becovic Tenant Union (GN/BTU) spoke about the dire stakes they face if their landlord Sal Becovic doesn’t offer relocation assistance or an additional month in their building. Tenants must vacate their units by September 30 or they will be evicted, which could permanently impact their chances of finding future housing or employment. Tenants say that’s just not enough time, and the alternative is homelessness. “The fact of the matter is there just isn’t enough affordable housing. On September 30, I have no place to go,” said tenant Mary Rogers.

The situation came to a head after months of negotiations between the tenant union and Sal Becovic, convened by 49th Ward Alderwoman Maria Hadden. The building at 1546 W Jonquil Terrace was an affordable housing complex managed by Good News Partners. In March, tenants were notified that it had been sold to Becovic and that their leases were terminated. In negotiations, the tenants secured an extra month before they had to vacate, but twelve tenants, including five children, have still been unable to find a new place to go. 

“Becovic is a multi-millionaire developer who has purchased over 2,000 units on the Far North Side,” said Karen Foster, a tenant leader of the GN/BTU.  “He says he wants to help the community and not create more homelessness, but every move he makes shows us otherwise. He can afford to pay a few tenants he’s displacing some relocation assistance.” Foster says she secured a new unit at market rate only the previous week, and is advocating for assistance on behalf of her fellow tenants who need affordable housing and more time. 

“Luxury development, ‘renovictions’, and refusing repairs to working class tenants are all ways in which landlords and their vested interests are gentrifying Rogers Park and making it a playground for the rich,” said Dr. Rev. Marilyn Pagán-Banks, Executive Director of A Just Harvest, a Rogers Park-based non-profit dedicated to fighting poverty. “We are calling upon Becovic to act in his best interest and work with these tenants for a sensible solution.” 

At a meeting earlier in the day with grassroots leaders from ONE Northside, Alderwoman Maria Hadden promised to call Sal Becovic and ask him to provide the cash payments needed for the tenants to relocate. Tenants will discuss their situation and their demands at ONE Northside’s annual Town Hall public forum on Sunday, September 29, at 2pm at the Ismaili Center Chicago (1140 W. Rosemont, Chicago, IL 60660). Alderwoman Hadden will be present to answer their questions and report on her conversation with Sal Becovic. 

In addition to formulating demands for Becovic, the union developed demands for Good News Partners (GNP) – including helping tenants relocate to any available GNP units and pledging not to sell any future buildings to for-profit buyers. Unfortunately, Good News Partners was unwilling to meet with the tenant union.

Watch the whole video of the press event here.


About ONE Northside: ONE Northside is a mixed-income, multi-ethnic, intergenerational non-profit organization that builds collective power to eliminate injustice through bold and innovative community organizing. Founded in 2013 through the merger of Lakeview Action Coalition and Organization of the Northeast, ONE Northside is a key driver in progressive campaigns for affordable housing, police accountability, economic justice, and more.

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