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We’re going to Springfield! May 14

Springfield lobby day may 14
Get on the bus! We’re going to Springfield on May 14 to lobby for the investment our neighborhoods deserve!
Our state legislators are in session right now and making decisions about how our state tax dollars will be spent this year. On Tuesday, May 14 we’re taking our demands directly to them for a full day of lobbying. We’re lobbying for:
– more money for neighborhood schools
– more money for violence prevention programs
– more money for the Parent Mentor program
– more money for affordable housing, and the Leland Building in particular
– taxing the rich and big corporations to pay for these investments
– a government that puts people and the planet first!

Let’s fill the halls of the Capitol with ONE Northside’s people power! Wear your orange shirts!

Never lobbied before? That’s okay! We’ll provide training in advance and on the bus and we lobby together in groups so we can all learn how this process works.

We will meet on Tuesday, May 14 at 5:30a.m. at 4648 N. Racine to board the bus. We will return to the same location by 7p.m. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and water will be provided during the day. THE ABSOLUTE CUT-OFF TO REGISTER IS Monday, May 13 at noon, and registration is required. Contact your organizer for the registration link. We cannot accept late registrations because we have to place food orders and reserve the bus with an accurate head count.

Talk to your organizer if you think you’d like to come!
Housing Justice Pb Banner

Help Save the Leland Building!

After the recent bankruptcy of Heartland Housing, the Leland Building, a 137-unit Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotel located in the heart of Uptown, has gone into foreclosure. We are at risk of losing these deeply affordable housing units in the long term, and 137 tenants risk losing their home in the short term.

We are bringing together Leland tenants, Uptown neighbors and organizations to work with our elected officials at the state and city levels to save this building. Show your support to Save the Leland by signing the form below.

help save the leland
Environmental Justice banner

What is Green Social Housing? A Report Back
Saturday, May 18, 10am-12pm
Location TBD

Hear from Environmental Justice Organizer Ruth Campos about a model of housing that can increase affordability, lower utility costs, and help reduce global warming.

Ruth recently joined a delegation of organizers who traveled to Berlin and Vienna as part of the Illinois Green New Deal Coalition to learn about these cities’ social housing models. Ruth will share what she learned and hear your input on how this model might help our communities.

Police accountability banner

Permanent Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability Appointed by Mayor Johnson

Congratulations to Aaron Gottlieb, a long time leader of our Police Accountability team, who was named to the Community Commission for Police Accountability. He played a key role in the coalition that won this new system for police accountability. We know he will help make sure this new system works to accomplish its mission. Thank you to Rev. Beth Brown and Oswaldo Gomez, two of our members, who are completing their terms on the Interim Commission and did so much work to get this new system in place.

News and update

Faith Leaders Lunch
Thursday, May 16, 12:30pm

Calling all clergy! Join your fellow faith leaders for lunch to get the latest updates and opportunities to partner with ONE Northside to advance campaigns for racial, social, and economic justice. If you’re a lay leader at a congregation, forward this to your clergy to encourage them to join us. 

a smiling photo of Max outside
Welcome to our new team member, Max!
We’re pleased to share that Max Yenkin has joined the ONE Northside team in the role of Lead Organizer! Many of you already know Max in his role as Bring Chicago Home campaign organizer. We’re so excited he has joined our team permanently in this new role.Max comes to ONE Northside with many years of experience in electoral and legislative organizing. He will work with our member institutions, partner organizations, and their members to grow our political power to fight for justice. He lives in Edgewater with his partner and their dog. When he’s not at work he loves biking and cooking! Say hi to Max at my*****@on**********.org.
Join us to build a diverse, united North Side of Chicago acting powerfully for our shared values of racial, social, and economic justice in communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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