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Welcome our New District Council Members!

It’s official! Please welcome our new District Council Members! 

Yesterday, the city marked the historic occasion of swearing in sixty-six new elected officials. After seven years of organizing for more civilian-led police accountability, today we officially have District Council Members in office!

As with any elected official, ONE Northside is dedicated to building strong co-governing relationships with the members of the 17th, 19th, 20th and 24th District Councils. All of them have committed to transparency and restorative justice as they take office. We are excited to work with them to implement these practices and to use their new elected offices to win real, concrete reforms in how the police operate in our communities. We will support them (and hold them accountable) throughout their four-year terms.

Congratulations to all the new District Council Members, and to every volunteer, leader, and organizer who made this historic day possible!

Darrell dacres

We also want to give a special shoutout to Darrell Dacres, ONE Northside’s very own Program Manager for our CP4P Violence Prevention Program, who was sworn in as a District Council Member for the 20th District!

Congratulations, Darrell!

Police accountability banner

Public Forum: Chicago Police Superintendent Search
Thursday, May 4, 6pm-8pm
Roosevelt High School, 3436 W Wilson

The Community Commission on Public Safety and Accountability (CCPSA) is now searching for a new head of the Chicago Police Department. They are welcoming public feedback on the qualifications and experience you want to see in a candidate. It is extremely important that we make our voices heard in this process, to try to influence the selection of a candidate who is open to real accountability within CPD.

Mental health justice banner

Care Over Cost Day of Action!
Tuesday, May 9, 9am
Register for location details

Corporate health insurance makes millions every year while we are denied coverage for essential care and medication. Join the Mental Health Justice Team and Jane Addams Senior Caucus on Tuesday, May 9th at 9am Downtown to rise up and demand Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois stop denying care and put care OVER cost!


Women of color table banner

Women of Color Table Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, May 17, 7pm-9pm

The Women of Color Table is a space for healing, building community, and leadership development. All women of color are welcome to join.

This month’s meeting is tentatively scheduled as an in-person meeting in Rogers Park. Food will be provided. To RSVP, contact Nellie Moreno, mo*****@sb*******.net.

Cp4p violence prevention team banner

CP4P Hosts Youth Basketball Tournament

Last weekend, CP4P hosted dozens of youth from ages 12-16 for a basketball tournament at Loyola Park. A huge thanks to all the kids and parents who came out to support this event! We’ll have more youth engagement activities all summer!


Group of people lined up for photo at basketball court
Join us to build a diverse, united North Side of Chicago acting powerfully for our shared values of racial, social, and economic justice in communities where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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